Fix soon rejoined Passepartout, who was lounging and looking about on the quay, as if he did not feel that he, at least, was obliged not to see anything.
-> Fiks mitinre antetem Pasporta, na repos e optik sur dok...
<- Fix meet-again before-time Passepartout, that relax and eye on dock.
"Well, my friend," said the detective, coming up with him, "is your passport _visaed?_"
-> Antropeureka logo pas: "Ben, filo mi, atingi ni estam pro pasporta?"
<- Find-person say past-time: "Well, friend my, attain you stamp for passport?"
"Ah, it’s you, is it, monsieur?" responded Passepartout. "Thanks, yes, the passport is all right."
-> Pasporta respon pas: "A! Es ni, ne, andro? Gras, ia, pasporta es per order."
<- Passepartout answer past-time: "Ah! Is you, no, man? Thank, yes, passport is by order."
"You are in a great hurry, then?"
-> "Ni belo maga, ia?"
<- "You speed big, yes?"
"I am not, but my master is."
-> "Mi belo ne, sed sefal mi belo."
<- "I speed not, but master my speed."
"But where is your master going?"
-> "Sed sefal ni paso a plaskia?"
<- "But master your go to place-what?"
"Always straight ahead. He is going round the world.
-> "Ante direk temtuta. Ili paso peri Geo tuta.
<- "Before straight all-time. He go around world whole.
"...and in eighty days! He says it is on a wager; but, between us, I don’t believe a word of it. That wouldn’t be common sense. There’s something else in the wind.
-> E poste oktadeka jur! Ili logo, na dis es konser dibina rekre; sed, inter mis, mi fide ne uni logo ot dis. Na es ne probable reson komon. Abe stof omone in benti.
<- And after eight-ten day! He say, that this is according bet game; but, between us, I believe not one word of this. That be not supposedly reason common. There-is thing different in wind.
"...he is carrying an enormous sum in brand new banknotes with him."
-> "Ili porta kon auto numer maga ot dolapaper neo."
<- "He carry with self number large of money-paper new."
Fix left his companion to make his purchases, after recommending him not to miss the steamer, and hurried back to the consulate.
-> Fiks let, na androkon akiri, poste ili donide, na ili es futur postetem ne pro paso in sip, e belore a domsefal.
<- Fix let, that man-with buy, after he give-idea, that he be future after-time not for go in ship, and hurry-again to house-head.
"Consul,” said he, “I have no longer any doubt. I have spotted my man."
-> Ili logo pas: "Sefal, mi abe ne distem fidene. Mi eureka pas andro mi."
<- He say past-time: "Head, I have not this-time not-believe. I find past-time man my."
"And what are you going to do?"
-> "E ni akto futur kia?"
<- "And you do future what?"
"Send a dispatch to London for a warrant of arrest to be dispatched instantly to Bombay, take passage on board the ‘Mongolia,’ follow my rogue to India, and there, on English ground, arrest him politely, with my warrant in my hand, and my hand on his shoulder."
-> "Mi futur espedi a urban London pro leterautorite pro pris ili, ilis espedi futur a urban Bombai, paso in sip 'Mongoli', paso sekuen antroperor mi a nasion Indi, e na, sur lokal Englan, stop faktobel ili kon leterautorite in uni mani e mani omone sur epaul ili."
<- "I future send to city London for leter(of)authority for take him, they send future to city Bombay, go in ship MONGOLIA, go next crime~person my to nation India, and there, on area England, stop prettily~do him with leter(of)authority in one hand and hand other on shoulder his."
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