
Frater-English Dictionary

Last update 2021-12-17. This is a word-root dictionary. For the original dictionary see linguasistemfrater.mozello.com. Words marked "&" were added by the maintainer of linguasistemfrater.mozello.org.

A at/to
A! ah!
ABANDON abandon
ABARIS greed (avarice)
ABE have; ago, there is/are; -NE without
ABREBI abbreviate
ABRIKO apricot
ABSOB absorb
ABSOLU absolute; -NE concrete
ADBERBI adverb
ADMIRA admire
ADOR adore
ADULTER adultery
AER air
AGITA shake
AGRES aggression
AGRI field
AGUILA eagle
AJUR blue (azure)
AKANTO thorn
AKSEP accept/recognize; -NE deny
AKTI radiate
AKUSA accuse
ALEGRO rejoice
ALIMEN feed/food
ALKOL alcohol
AMON almond
ANALIS analyze
ANANA pineapple
ANDRO man/husband (Andrew "manly")
ANGEL messenger
ANKE hip
ANKORA anchor
ANTE before
ANTI against/oppose
ANTROP person/human; -NE inhuman
ANU year
APELA call
APERTEN belong to
API bee
APLAUD praise
APOSTO apostle
ARBOR tree/wood
ARDOR zeal
ARIBE arrive/happen
ARKA arch/bow (for arrow`violin)
ARKIF file (archive)
ARME army
ARTERI artery
ARTRO joint
ASERBI bitter
ASI axis
ASID sour (acid)
ASPID shield
ATAK attack
ATENTIF attention/care
ATESTA witness/certify
ATOM atom
AUTO self
AUTORITE authority; -NE forbid
BABEL confuse
BAGAJ baggage
BAGON railroad car
BAI bay
BALBO valve
BALE valley
BALI throw (ballistic)
BALKON balcony
BALOR value/worth
BANE bathe
BANKA bank
BAPOR steam
BAPTI sink/dive
BASI origin/foundation
BASIN bowl/basin
BATAL strike/war
BATON stick/rod
BEGETA vegetable
BEIL veil, sail
BEL beautiful; -NE ugly
BELIS & daisy
BELO speed/fast; -NE slow
BEN good; -NE bad/harm
BENI happy; NE sad
BENJANSE revenge
BENTI wind (ventilate)
BERBA verb
BERDI green (verdant)
BERITA true/fact (verity)
BERTEBRA vertebra
BESTI clothing/cloth; -NE naked
BI two; -NE only (one)
BIBE drink
BIBLO book
BILET ticket/tag
BINO wine
BIO life
BIOLEN violence
BIR & beer
BISIKLE bicycle
BISINES business/negotiate
BISINI neighboring (vicinity)
BISIT visit
BITI vine/grape
BLASTO bud/sprout
BLON blond
BOBEL & bubble
BOS boxing (sport)
BOTE vote
BOTEL bottle
BOBI cow (bovine)
BRABO brave/courage; -NE cowardly
BRAK arm (brachial)
BROS brush/broom
BSERA yesterday (from Russian)
BUKA mouth
BUS bus
BUTIR butter
DAKTIL finger/toe
DANSI dance/jump
DAT date
DEBELOP develope/evolve
DEDUS deduce
DEFEK defect/damage
DEFEN defend
DEGRE gradual (degree)
DEKA ten
DEKLARA declare
DELEGA represent (delegate)
DELIKAT delicate, fine
DEMAN ask/question
DEMO people
DENSE dense
DENTI tooth (dentist)
DERMA skin, bark
DESEP deceive
DESIN draw/imagine (design)
DESIR want; -NE regret
DESTRA right; -NE left
DESTRUK destroy
DET debt/owe
DIA through/across
DIAMAN diamond
DIANA hunt
DIBINA guess/bet
DIET diet
DIGES digest
DIPLOMAS diplomacy
DIREK straight (direction); -NE indirect
DIS this/here
DISKO dish
DISKUS discuss
DISPUT argue
DISTINGE distinct/special
DISTRIBU spread/stretch
DOK dock
DOLA money
DOM building/house, live in; -NE abandon
DON give (donate)
DORMI sleep (dormitory)
DUK & duke/duchess
DURA lasting/permanent
DUS smooth/mild; -NE rough, harsh
EBANGEL gospel
EBITA avoid
EBULI boil
EFEK effect
EKLESI church
EKONOMI economy
EKS out/outside, ex-
EKSTAS ecstasy
EKUATOR equator
ELEKTRIK electricity
ELEKTRON electronic
ELEMEN element
ELIS propeller (helix)
EMBASAD embassy
EME vomit
EMO blood
ENIGMA mystery/puzzle
EPATO liver
EPAUL shoulder (epaulet)
ERBI grass/hay
ERGO work
ERITA heritage
EROR error, sin
ES be
ESAMIN consider (examine)
ESERSIS practice (exercise)
ESIBIT show (exhibit)
ESKAP steep/cliff
ESKAPA escape
ESPEDI send (expedite)
ESPEK wait for
ESPUL send away (expulsion)
ESTAM stamp
ESTRA extra
ESTREM goal (extreme)
FABOR favor/partiality
FAG eat
FAKTO make/build
FALANS phalanx
FALUS penis
FAMILI family
FAS face/surface
FASIL easy; -NE difficult
FATIG tired
FE iron
FESTI celebration
FIDE faith/believe
FIDEL loyal; -NE treason
FILO friend/love; -NE enemy/hate
FINANSE finance
FINI end/finish; -NE eternal
FISA fasten/lay down
FLAMA flame
FLAS flash/spark
FLEB vein
FLOR flower
FLUID fluid
FOB afraid of/frighten
FOLIO leaf
FONO sound/voice; -NE silent
FORMA shape
FORSE strong/force; -NE weak
FOS fox
FOTO light/bright; -NE dark
FRAGMEN piece (fragment)
FRAS sentence
FRATER brother/sister
FRAUD cheat
FREA well (for water)
FRIGO cold
FRIT fry
FRUT fruit/product; -NE useless
FULGUR thunder
FUME smoke
FURKA fork
FURNI supply
FUTUR future
GAIN gain
GAMO marriage (poligamy)
GARDI watch/keep
GAS gas
GASTRO stomach
GEMEL twin
GENE birth/born (generate)
GEO earth/land/ground
GESTI gesture
GINE woman/wife
GIGAN giant
GITAR & guitar
GLANDU gland
GLOB ball (globe)
GLORI glory
GOBERNA government
GOM rubber (gum)
GONI corner/angle
GRAF write
GRAM heavy/weight; -NE light
GRAMATIK & grammar
GRAS thanks; -NE scandal
GRUP group/collection
GUSTA taste/flavor
GUTA drop (of water)
IA yes
IDE think
IDOL idol
IDRO water (hydrogen)
IGNI fire
ILI he/she/it
ILIS they
IMPED prevent
IMPER empire
IN in/inside
INDEPEN independent
INFAN child
INFEK infect
INFORMA message/news
INJEK inject
INSEK insect
INSTITUT institute/organization
INTER between
INTERES interesting; -NE harmful
INTESTIN intestine
IPO horse (hippodrome)
ISTO tissue/web
ISTORI history/story
JE as/so
JELE freeze/jelly
JIME yeast
JO animal (zoo)
JON belt/zone
JUBE young (juvenile)
JUDI judge
JUR day (from French)
KAFE coffee
KAK how (from Russian)
KALKA chalk/lime
KANDEL candle
KANI dog (canine)
KANTIK sing/song (canticle)
KAPILA hair/wool/feather (capillary)
KAPRIN sheep/goat
KARAMEL & caramel
KARAKTER characteristic
KAR car/vehicle
KARBON coal/carbon
KARDI heart (cardiac)
KARGO cargo/freight
KARNI meat
KARPA wrist
KARTILAJ cartilage
KARTO chart/card
KAS case (occasion)
KAT cat
KATARAKTA fall/drop
KAUS cause
KERA horn
KIA what
KILA keel
KIMI chemical
KLABI key, wrench
KLAS class (category)
KLEPTO steal
KLIMAT climate
KLOR greenish-yellow (chlorine)
KLOS close/shut
KOK chicken/rooster
KOL neck
KOLA glue/sticky
KOLEK collect/gather
KOLERI anger
KOLI bile
KOLONI colony
KOMEDI funny
KOMEN begin/start (commense)
KOMISION commission
KOMITE committee/council
KOMOD comfortable/convenient
KOMON common/usual; -NE special
KOMPARA compare
KOMPENSE compensate/reward
KOMPLE complete, fill
KOMPROMIS compromise
KOMUNIKA communication
KON with
KONDISION condition
KONES know; -NE unknown
KONFES confess
KONGRES assembly/congress
KONI cone
KONKO shell
KONSER accord/agree (concert); -NE inconsistent
KONSUL advocate
KONTA account/report
KONTEN contain; -NE except
KOREK correct; -NE wrong
KORON crown
KORPO body
KRAB crab
KRANI skull (cranium)
KREAT create
KRISTAL glass/crystal
KRITIK scold
KROKET & croquet
KROKODIL & crocodile
KROM color
KRUS cross
KRUSTAS shrimp (crustacean)
KUADRI four/square
KUBI cube
KULINA cook; -NE raw
KULTUR grow (plants, animals) (culture)
KUMBE & lay/lie
KUNIL & rabbit
KUP cup
KURBA bend/fold (curve)
KUREN run/flow
KURSI chair/sit
KURTI court/yard
KUSIN cousin
LABA wash
LABIA lip/kiss
LAK lake
LAKTO milk
LAMPA lamp/light
LANSE spear
LARIN throat/swallow
LASERA tear (laceration)
LEBAN high/lift/rise; loud; -NE low; soft (of voice) (levitate)
LEON lion
LEPIDO scale (of skin)
LESON lesson
LET let
LETER letter
LEUKO white (leukemia)
LIBERE free/save
LIKUID liquid/melt
LIMIT border/edge
LIMNO marsh
LIMON lemon
LINE line/row
LINEUM linen
LINGUA tongue/language
LIRI lyre/lyric
LISTA list
LITO stone
LITRE liter
LOFO crest
LOGO say/word; -NE untold
LOKAL area/region
LONGA long/length; -NE short
LUBRI & slide
LUNA moon/month
LUSU luxury
MAGA big/large
MAGNET magnet
MAIS corn
MAK mark
MANER manner
MANI hand (manipulate)
MANIA foolish
MARI sea
MARKE market
MARTELO hammer
MASA mass
MASIMA most (maximum)
MASIN machine/motor
MAST mast
MATER mother
MATUR mature/ripe
MEDI center/middle
MEDISIN medicine/method
MEMBRAN membrane
MEMOR memory/remember; -NE forget
MENAS threat
MENSA table
MERIT merit/deserve
MERO thigh
META beyond (metaphysics)
METAL metal
METRI measure/meter (unit)
MI I/me
MIKRO little/small
MIL thousand
MILION million
MINIMA least (minimum)
MINISTER minister
MINTA mint
MINUT minute
MIS we/us
MISA mix
MISET fungus
MITIN meeting
MOD fashion
MODERA moderate; -NE wasteful
MOK make fun of (mock)
MOLUSKA shellfish
MONTA mountain
MORAL moral; -NE immoral
MOROS boring
MORSE bite
MORTA death/die
MOSKIT mosquito
MUKUS mucus
MULTI many/much; -NE a little, few
MUNI monk/nun
MURA wall
MUSEUM museum
MUSKUL muscle
MUTA change, translate; -NE permanent
MUTUAL mutual
NA that/there
NAM name
NASION nation
NATA swim
NATO jaw
NATUR nature
NE not/no
NEFELO cloud
NEGRO black
NEO new
NERFO angry
NESESA necessary
NESIA island (polynesia)
NESIS spin
NEUMA blow (pneumatic)
NI you (one of you)
NIS you (all of you)
NOBEL novel
NOBLE noble
NODO knot
NOKTU night (nocturnal)
NONA nine
NOTARI notary
NOTO back
NUL nothing/zero
NUMER number
O or
O! oh!
OBAR egg
OBER open
OBJEK object
OBLIGA duty/must
OBLIK slanted (oblique)
OBSERBA observe
OBTEN obtain
ODOR smell
OFER offer
OKRO brown/orange (color) (ocher)
OKTA eight (oktagon)
OKUPA busy
OLEO oil
OLIF olive
OMO like/same; -NE different
ONIKO claw
ONKLO aunt/uncle
ONOR honor
OPERASION operation
OPRES oppress
OPTIK eye/see
OPTIMA hope; -NE despair
ORA hour
ORANGE & orange
ORDER order/command; order (in order); -NE mess
ORGAN tool/instrument
ORGI orgy
ORIFIS hole/hollow
ORMON exciting (hormone)
ORNI bird (ornithology)
ORTI garden
OSID rust (oxide)
OSPITAL hospital
OSTEO bone
OSTRE oyster
OT of/from
OTEL hotel
OTO ear/hear
PAGI page
PAI pay
PAKE package
PAKI thick/fat; -NE thin
PAKTO contract (pact)
PALI pale
PAMATER parent
PANDIT expert
PANI bread
PAPER paper
PARAGRAF paragraph
PARALEL parallel
PAREI cheek
PARTI part
PAS already/pass/past
PASI peace; -NE worry
PASO go (pace)
PASTOR herdsman
PARTENO virgin
PATER father
PATO pain/sick
PENDE hang
PER by (by means of)
PERDI lose/lost
PERDON forgive (pardon)
PERI circle/round;about
PERIL danger
PERIOD period (time)
PERMIT permit
PERSON person (individual)
PETROL gasoline/kerosene
PIET religious (piety)
PIJON dove/pigeon
PIMEN pepper
PINSES pliers (pincers)
PIPE pipe/tube
PIRO wheat
PISI fish
PISTAKA basket
PITURES picture
PLAN plan;flat
PLANET wander
PLANKI board (plank)
PLANTA plant
PLAS place
PLASMA plasma
PLIN brick
PLUBI rain
PLUS add/
PLUTO rich; -NE poor
POD foot
POESI poem/poetry
POINTE point/sting
POISON poison
POL pole (polar)
POLI sell/sale
POLITIK policy/politics
POM & apple
POMAD perfume
PONTO bridge/deck
PORTA bring/carry (portable)
PORTIK door/window
PORTO harbour (port)
POSTA mail (postal)
POSTE after/behind
POT pot/pan
POTAM river (hippopotamus)
PREPARA prepare/ready
PRES pressure/tight; -NE loose
PRESEN present/appear; -NE absent
PRIS take/catch
PRISMA saw (tool)
PRISON prison
PRO for
PROBA test/try (probe)
PROBABLE probably
PROBLEM problem
PRODUK produce
PROFUN deep; -NE shallow
PRONUNSI pronunciation
PROSES process/trial
PROTEK protect
PROTESTA protest
PROTOKOL etiquette
PUBLIK public; -NE private
PULBE powder (pulverize)
PULMO lung
PULSA pulsate
PUNI punish
PUR clean/pure; -NE dirty
PUS pus
RADIO radio
RAFIDO needle
RAKTA break
RAMO branch
RAN frog
RAS race (ethnic)
RAT mouse/rat
RAUKI & hoarse
RE again/back again
REFLEK reflect
REKRE fun (recreation)
RELASION relation/connection
REN kidney
REPOS rest
REPTIL crawl
REPUBLIK republic
RESEP receive
RESON reasonable; -NE stubborn
RESPEK respect; -NE despise
RESPIRA breath
RESPON answer
RESPONSAB responsability
RESTA remain/stay
RESTRIK restrict
RESURSE resource
RIBES & currant
RIGID hard/stiff; -NE soft
RIME rhyme
RITMI rhythm
RINKO beak
RINO nose/smell (rhinoceros)
RISA root
RISI laugh
RISO rice
ROI king/queen
ROK rock
ROS rose/pink
ROSTI roast
ROTAT wheel; wind (a clock)
RUJ red
RUT road
SABRE sword
SAFTRA tomorrow (Russian ZAFTRA)
SAKO bag/sack
SAL salt
SALAD salad
SALARI salary/wage
SALUT hello/goodbye
SAMBER room (chamber)
SAMIS shirt (chemise)
SAMO sand
SANI health
SANTA holy (saint)
SANTO yellow
SAPON soap
SAUS sauce/gravy
SED but
SEFAL head/leader
SEK check (verify)
SEKRETAR secretary
SEKUEN follow/next
SEKUN second (time)
SEKUR safe
SEL sky
SELEK choose
SELU cell
SENTI hundred;feel
SEP seven
SEPA & hedge
SEPARA separate
SEPTIK rotten
SERAM ceramic
SERBIS service
SERES & cherry
SERI series
SERIUS serious
SERPEN snake
SERUM serum
SES six
SESION give up (cession)
SESON season
SESU sex
SETASE whale
SEUDO false
SI if/whether
SIENSE sciense
SIGA cigar
SIGNA sign/signal
SIGNIFI meaning
SIGO yoke
SIKO soul/spirit (psycho)
SILBI wild (sylvan)
SILINDER cylinder
SILKA silk
SIM together
SIMBAL cymbal
SIMPLE simple; -NE complicated
SINE move/push (cinema); -NE stationary
SINERA ash (incinerate)
SIP ship/airplane
SIRIN syringe
SIRU & curl
SISO scissors
SISTEM way/means
SIT! & sh!
SITA quote (cite)
SKALA ladder/stairs
SKIA shadow
SKOLA school
SKORPIO scorpion
SODA soda pop
SOFI smart/wise; -NE idiot
SOK shock
SOLA sun (solar)
SOSIAL society
SPASI space
SPASMO spasm
SPATUL spatula/spoon
SPINA spine (back bone)
SPLEN spleen
SPONJE sponge
SPORTI sports
SPUMI foam
STEK steak
STELA star (stellar)
STENO narrow; -NE wide
STEREO solid
STETO chest (stethoscope)
STOF thing;stuff
STOK stock
STOP stop; -NE continue
STRATA floor
STRATEGO officer
STROBO whirl
SUB below/down/under
SUIP sweep
SUJE subject
SUKAR sugar
SULFUR sulphur
SUMA total
SUP soup
SUPERIOR superior
SUPORTA support
SUPREM supreme
SUR above/on/up
TABAKO tobacco
TABULA & tablet
TAK such/so (from Russian)
TAKTI touch; -NE intact
TARIF price/cost
TASA tax
TASI taxi
TAUMA wonder/miracle
TE tea
TEATRI theater
TEKNI skill
TELE far/distant; very; -NE close to
TELO nipple
TEM time/weather
TEMPE temple (of head)
TERNA heel
TERO wing/fly
TESTU text
TIPI type/example
TIR cheese
TIRAN tyrant
TOLERA tolerant
TOMI cut/sharp
TRANKUIL quiet; -NE worry
TRAUMA wound
TREMOLO shake/tremble
TREN train
TRI three
TRIOMFA victory (triumph)
TROMPET trumpet
TROTA & trot
TUMOR pimple
TURE tower
TURIS travel
TURNI turn
TUTA all/every
ULTIM last
UMID wet/damp (humid); -NE dry
UNDULA wave (undulate)
UNI alone/one/united
URA tail
URBAN city
URIN urine
USA use/habit; -NE useless

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