
About Lingua Sistemfrater

LINGUA SISTEMFRATER, "Brotherhood language," was invented in 1957 by Vietnamese linguist Pham Xuan Thai. It was made to be a very easy international language. The vocabulary contains about 1000 word roots. The words have a very broad meaning; for example, the word optik means both "eye" and "see." Other words can be made by combining the word roots. Opposites are formed with -ne; for example, fasil means "easy," fasilne means "difficult." The result is that the language can be learned very quickly.

The alphabet has only 18 letters: ABDEFGIJKLMNOPRSTU. Vowels are pronounced as they are in most languages. The only consonant pronounced differently from English is the J; it sounds like the letter Z (a French J should be close enough as well).

Grammar is simple as well. Sentence order is subject, verb, object. Words that describe other words come after those words.

The original dictionary and the 12 rules of grammar can be found at the official website:


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