
Around the World in Eighty Days 28


At ten o'clock at night the train stopped at Fort Bridger station, and twenty minutes later entered Wyoming Territory...
-> A 22:00, tren stop pas a domstop Domforse Bridjer, e poste 20 minut paso pas in lokal Waiomin.

The next day, 7th December, they stopped for a quarter of an hour at Green River station.
-> Jur sekuen, jur 7 lunadekabi, ilis stop pas 15 minut a domstop Potam Berdi.

Mr. Fogg and his partners had just resumed whist, when a violent whistling was heard, and the train stopped.
-> Andro Fog e antropsporti komen pas sportikarto, temkia forseaer leban es pas oto, e tren es pas stop. 

Passepartout... heard the signal-man say, "No! you can't pass.  The bridge at Medicine Bow is shaky, and would not bear the weight of the train."
-> Pasporta oto pas, na uni antropsigna logo: "Ne! Nis ne inergo paso. Ponto a potam Arkanasin es agitat. Ili ne inergo suporta gram ot tren."

The engineer, a true Yankee, named Forster called out, "Gentlemen, perhaps there is a way, after all, to get over... I think that by putting on the very highest speed we might have a chance of getting over."
-> Antropdirek, uni Antropamerika berita kon nam Forster, logo leban: "Andro tuta,  inergoes uni nasin, per na mis inergo paso. Mi ide, na nis inergo paso per fakto vapo masima."

They perceived that the whole train, rushing on at the rate of a hundred miles an hour, hardly bore upon the rails at all.
-> Ilis ide pas, na tren tuta, na paso per 160 milimetri per ora, plas gram mikro tele a rutfe.

The train leaped, so to speak, from one bank to the other...
-> Tren dansi pas ot uni latera a omone. 

But scarcely had the train passed the river, when the bridge, completely ruined, fell with a crash...
-> Sed temkia tren paso dia potam, ponto na, destruk komple, katarakta pas. 


Around the World in Eighty Days 27


During the night of the 5th of December, the train ran south-easterly for about fifty miles; then rose an equal distance in a north-easterly direction, towards the Great Salt Lake.
-> Temkia noktu ot jur penta ot lunadekabi, tren paso pas a poste-destrafas longa 80 milimetri. Poste, ili paso pas a leban a direksion ante-destrafas longa omo a Lak Sal Maga. 

Towards half-past twelve it reached the northwest border of the Great Salt Lake.
-> Peri 12:30 ili paso pas a limit ante-destranefas ot Lak Sal Maga. 

The train reached Ogden at two o'clock, where it rested for six hours...
-> Tren paso pas a urban Ogden 14:00, plaskia ili stop ses ora.

At four the party found themselves again at the station, took their places in the train...
-> A 16:00, grup es pas re a domstop, e kursi pas in tren.